
T.T - Crank    11 - 12

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
23Barry Walsh033
10Kengi Ng123
27Daniel Bower112
13Angus Chan202
14Janny Chan202
3Yi Hsuan (Claire) Weng202
77Billy Chai011
18WIlliam Ieong011
25Anna Dreher101
20Veronica Ng101
47Benjamin Blackford000
21Alex Chin000
17Stefanie Del Gobbo000
1Jasdeep Gill000
0Jazz Groden-Gilchrist000
28Shelby Hewitt000
22Jessica Hou000
49Verona Hua000
69Reneil Pascua000
34Daniel Sax000
9Brennan Seid000
30Alex Ta000
73Hannah To000
7Carol Wu000
99Kayla Zhu000
13Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood303
46TJ Reeds303
22Alistair Campbell022
71Nel Hyndman022
24Colin Scarffe022
2Ryan Daley112
3Brian Perry112
5Erich Phang-Lyn112
0Sarah Pledge Dickson112
63Alexandre Tremblay-Larochelle202
27Mark Carlson000
26Yannick Castonguay-Page000
23Katelyn Fontaine000
19Michelle Hill000
10Kyle Hunter000
15alyssa mainwood000
7Hugh Podmore000
11Isabelle Potvin000
40Ainsley Shannon000
42Cam Sommerville000
77Zachary St.Amour000
29Laura Stothart000
21Heather Wallace000
14Kristina Ward000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#5 Erich Phang-Lyn #2 Ryan Daley 0.000.00
0 - 2#13 Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood #71 Nel Hyndman 0.000.00
1 - 2#13 Angus Chan #23 Barry Walsh 0.000.00
1 - 3#63 Alexandre Tremblay-Larochelle #24 Colin Scarffe 0.000.00
1 - 4#13 Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood #0 Sarah Pledge Dickson 0.000.00
2 - 4#27 Daniel Bower #77 Billy Chai 0.000.00
3 - 4#13 Angus Chan #23 Barry Walsh 0.000.00
3 - 5#46 TJ Reeds #22 Alistair Campbell 0.000.00
4 - 5#14 Janny Chan   0.000.00
4 - 6#46 TJ Reeds #22 Alistair Campbell 0.000.00
5 - 6#14 Janny Chan   0.000.00
5 - 7#46 TJ Reeds #24 Colin Scarffe 0.000.00
6 - 7#20 Veronica Ng #10 Kengi Ng 0.000.00
7 - 7  #23 Barry Walsh 0.000.00
8 - 7#10 Kengi Ng #27 Daniel Bower 0.000.00
9 - 7#25 Anna Dreher #18 WIlliam Ieong 0.000.00
9 - 8#0 Sarah Pledge Dickson   0.000.00
9 - 9#13 Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood   0.000.00
10 - 9#3 Yi Hsuan (Claire) Weng   0.000.00
10 - 10#3 Brian Perry #5 Erich Phang-Lyn 0.000.00
11 - 10#3 Yi Hsuan (Claire) Weng #10 Kengi Ng 0.000.00
11 - 11#63 Alexandre Tremblay-Larochelle #3 Brian Perry 0.000.00
11 - 12#2 Ryan Daley #71 Nel Hyndman 0.000.00

Game statistics

Goals: 11 12
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 12/23 (52.2 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 11/23 (47.8 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 11 0
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 12 (2+2+3+2+3) 10 (2+1+2+3+2)
Spirit comments I want to highlight the communication. On the field there were some long discussions that could have been shorter. However communication off the field was phenomenal. We had a number of miscommunications with the volunteers concerning the timing around halftime and end of game and TT was very easy to talk with and sort things out, very fair and honest. One discussion that went very long, perpetuated by players on both sides who were involved, but it didn’t happen again.

Game history