
Mephisto - General Strike    6 - 15

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
24Thomas Lalonde-Landry112
42Christophe Tremblay Joncas112
43Thomas Duplaix011
11Charles Guay011
69Liam McKeown011
10William St-Pierre Nareau011
0Melvyn Brichet101
35Eliott Heloir101
23Raphael Lalonde-Landry101
30Philippe Le Bourdais101
83Maxime Ayad000
20Julien Bernat000
22Ywan Cohonner000
49Félix-Antoine Daigle000
34Thomas Dubois000
84Dylan Lacombe Burgoyne000
19Felix Leonard000
81Kevin Quinlan000
38Antoine Rousseau000
15Raphael Salvas000
17Sam Warrick000
General Strike
8Stephen Crew426
71Malik Auger-Semmar404
27Cam Burden033
5Mathew Ladyman022
98Quinn Snider022
67Nick McFaddin112
3Zachary Tottle112
1Quinn Wilson112
72Jacob Duquette011
88Jarrett Hamm011
31Jared Lehotsky011
11Jeffrey Boris101
16Devin Cohen101
89Mark Lloyd101
85sam peterson101
29Nathan Gooi000
4Jesse Greenberg000
9Liam Gutkin000
21Noah Hoffman000
15Dylan Kagan000
36Matthew Loxley000
18Jack Murray000
26Isaac Peterson000
92Jadon Rich000
6Cameron Tramley000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#1 Quinn Wilson #67 Nick McFaddin 0.000.00
0 - 2#3 Zachary Tottle #1 Quinn Wilson 0.000.00
1 - 2#24 Thomas Lalonde-Landry #42 Christophe Tremblay Joncas 0.000.00
1 - 3#8 Stephen Crew #5 Mathew Ladyman 0.000.00
1 - 4#71 Malik Auger-Semmar #31 Jared Lehotsky 0.000.00
1 - 5#71 Malik Auger-Semmar #98 Quinn Snider 0.000.00
2 - 5#35 Eliott Heloir #69 Liam McKeown 0.000.00
2 - 6#89 Mark Lloyd #27 Cam Burden 0.000.00
3 - 6#42 Christophe Tremblay Joncas #43 Thomas Duplaix 0.000.00
3 - 7#8 Stephen Crew #27 Cam Burden 0.000.00
3 - 8#71 Malik Auger-Semmar #72 Jacob Duquette 0.000.00
3 - 9#16 Devin Cohen #8 Stephen Crew 0.000.00
3 - 10#85 sam peterson #88 Jarrett Hamm 0.000.00
4 - 10#23 Raphael Lalonde-Landry #24 Thomas Lalonde-Landry 0.000.00
4 - 11#8 Stephen Crew #27 Cam Burden 0.000.00
4 - 12#67 Nick McFaddin #98 Quinn Snider 0.000.00
5 - 12#0 Melvyn Brichet #11 Charles Guay 0.000.00
5 - 13#8 Stephen Crew #5 Mathew Ladyman 0.000.00
6 - 13#30 Philippe Le Bourdais #10 William St-Pierre Nareau 0.000.00
6 - 14#11 Jeffrey Boris #8 Stephen Crew 0.000.00
6 - 15#71 Malik Auger-Semmar #3 Zachary Tottle 0.000.00

Game statistics

MephistoGeneral Strike
Goals: 6 15
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 15/21 (71.4 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/21 (28.6 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 0
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 8 (2+0+2+1+3) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsFouls/body contact - 2 yellow cards and 1 blue for persistent contact and dangerous play (tackling player) as well as many other fouls that didn’t get cards Attitude and self control - 3 blue cards for rushing field early and respect related stuff. Good communication when it happened but could have happened earlier to help address the issues

Game history