
Queen City Bees - Hucklebears    6 - 15

Queen City Bees
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
88Corrine Giorgetti134
19Amanda De Faye112
16Makenzie Chamberlin011
18Linh La011
14Gracie Christiansen101
6Tegan Zankl101
7Julie Benson000
17Dani Bouvier000
8Nicole Gottselig000
13Heather Hinks000
2Karly Koronkiewicz000
26Miranda Murray000
11Kimberly Smith000
3Linh Vu000
9Janine Williams000
5Ashton Zankl000
29Bryce Marshall303
27Allison Schein022
10Ashley Bramwell112
47Sarah Duhamel112
1Jenny Wear112
44Lara Kesteloo202
3Taryn Webster202
14Leah Demsey011
88Alex Harned011
37Hannah Kroeplin011
13Emily O'Dea011
9Claire Remington011
26Ryoko Sano011
4Sarah von der Weid101
11Anne-Sofie Ahm000
0Megan Chan000
23Emily Corey000
28Sada Keel000
91Tessa Kenning000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#6 Tegan Zankl #88 Corrine Giorgetti 0.000.00
1 - 1    0.000.00
2 - 1#14 Gracie Christiansen #19 Amanda De Faye 0.000.00
2 - 2#4 Sarah von der Weid   0.000.00
3 - 2#19 Amanda De Faye #88 Corrine Giorgetti 0.000.00
3 - 3#29 Bryce Marshall #9 Claire Remington 0.000.00
4 - 3#88 Corrine Giorgetti #16 Makenzie Chamberlin 0.000.00
4 - 4#44 Lara Kesteloo #88 Alex Harned 0.000.00
4 - 5#44 Lara Kesteloo   0.000.00
4 - 6  #47 Sarah Duhamel 0.000.00
4 - 7#29 Bryce Marshall #1 Jenny Wear 0.000.00
4 - 8#47 Sarah Duhamel #37 Hannah Kroeplin 0.000.00
5 - 8  #88 Corrine Giorgetti 0.000.00
5 - 9  #14 Leah Demsey 0.000.00
5 - 10#29 Bryce Marshall   0.000.00
5 - 11#3 Taryn Webster #27 Allison Schein 0.000.00
6 - 11  #18 Linh La 0.000.00
6 - 12#1 Jenny Wear #13 Emily O'Dea 0.000.00
6 - 13#10 Ashley Bramwell #27 Allison Schein 0.000.00
6 - 14#3 Taryn Webster #26 Ryoko Sano 0.000.00
6 - 15  #10 Ashley Bramwell 0.000.00

Game statistics

Queen City BeesHucklebears
Goals: 6 15
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 15/21 (71.4 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/21 (28.6 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 0
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 12 (2+2+2+3+3) 6 (2+1+1+1+1)
Spirit comments At the end of the game the other team said “do we have to do a spirit circle the women’s final is starting. We need to get seats”. When trying to talk about picks they refused to allow us to express our understanding of the rule.

Game history