
Lit - Local 613    15 - 9

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
70Cole Digel156
2Dallen Mohagen224
18Douglas Olley224
43Moritz Feigl314
88Charles Dourado022
77Nekita Sidhho022
35Erik Johnson112
12Leigh Mcnamara202
8Robin Bauer101
9Jennie Orsten101
11Carissa Tong101
71Kaiya Bauer000
34Alex Beek000
0Lyris Fiske000
78Anika Joshi000
19Colin Lloyd000
22Michael Nel000
51Owen Paetkau000
66Gabriela Salguero-Palacino000
3Rex Szeto000
49Madelyn Talpt000
13Hanna Thai000
Local 613
10Jessie Chen123
22Quinton Malec123
1Declan Gainer213
3Ben Sigurdson213
24Rhea Palmer112
13Peter Galbraith011
27Avery Michels011
16Trevor Knechtel101
6Theo Wan101
80Hannes Becker000
26Rylie Bradlynn000
25Kirk Campbell000
29Carolyn Ewins000
18Claire Genest000
33Hesham Kamal000
4Victoria McCann000
72Sophie Prust000
99Bayley Quinn000
23Thomas Ronson000
11Jamie Rosa000
8Katie Sciborski000
87Bryson Vesnaver000
12Tess Wittmann000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#1 Declan Gainer #10 Jessie Chen 0.000.00
1 - 1  #43 Moritz Feigl 0.000.00
1 - 2#22 Quinton Malec #24 Rhea Palmer 0.000.00
2 - 2#43 Moritz Feigl #35 Erik Johnson 0.000.00
3 - 2#18 Douglas Olley #70 Cole Digel 0.000.00
3 - 3#24 Rhea Palmer #22 Quinton Malec 0.000.00
3 - 4#10 Jessie Chen #13 Peter Galbraith 0.000.00
4 - 4#2 Dallen Mohagen #88 Charles Dourado 0.000.00
5 - 4#18 Douglas Olley #70 Cole Digel 0.000.00
5 - 5#16 Trevor Knechtel #1 Declan Gainer 0.000.00
5 - 6#6 Theo Wan #27 Avery Michels 0.000.00
6 - 6#35 Erik Johnson #2 Dallen Mohagen 0.000.00
7 - 6#12 Leigh Mcnamara #70 Cole Digel 0.000.00
8 - 6#8 Robin Bauer #2 Dallen Mohagen 0.000.00
9 - 6#12 Leigh Mcnamara #18 Douglas Olley 0.000.00
10 - 6#70 Cole Digel #18 Douglas Olley 0.000.00
10 - 7#3 Ben Sigurdson #22 Quinton Malec 0.000.00
11 - 7#9 Jennie Orsten #88 Charles Dourado 0.000.00
11 - 8#1 Declan Gainer #3 Ben Sigurdson 0.000.00
12 - 8#43 Moritz Feigl #77 Nekita Sidhho 0.000.00
12 - 9#3 Ben Sigurdson #10 Jessie Chen 0.000.00
13 - 9#2 Dallen Mohagen #77 Nekita Sidhho 0.000.00
14 - 9#11 Carissa Tong #70 Cole Digel 0.000.00
15 - 9#43 Moritz Feigl #70 Cole Digel 0.000.00

Game statistics

LitLocal 613
Goals: 15 9
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 15/24 (62.5 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 9/24 (37.5 %)
Goals from turnovers: 0 9
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 10 (2+2+2+2+2) 8 (1+2+2+1+2)
Spirit commentsThere was one heated moment during the game, it was not carried forward to the rest of the game due to communication between both teams. Therefore, we did not want this to be reflected via the spirit score, but wanted to acknowledge it.

Game history