Harfang (Senior Mixed)


CUC 2022 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Alexandra Aubry7314
0Ann Gendron0000
0Bruno Guérin0000
0emilie Dumont0000
0Louis-Félix Bousquet0000
0Maxence Duchesne0000
4Mollie Fillion7156
11Alexandre Dubois771421
13Sophie Lemay-L'Heureux7066
15Andréane Légaré7213
17Samuel Nadeau7437
21Sébastien Lavigne5527
24Jean-Philip McCutcheon78513
25Vanessa L'Ecuyer7448
26Anne-Marie Branco74913
27Maxime Roy7101
28Lili Shawwah7011
31Alexandre Marion721223
34Daphné Lacroix7011
47Jany Desrosiers7000
55Jérémy Tremblay Rémillard7314
73Alexandre Froment7123
75Philip Corriveau-Pelletier7235
94Alexandra couturier7022

CUC 2022:

Division: Senior Mixed

Harfang 13 - 6 Force  Game play
Red Fox 12 - 15 Harfang  Game play
Harfang 15 - 12 Lit  Game play
Harfang 13 - 8 Mola Mola  Game play
T.T 15 - 14 Harfang Game h  Game play
Red Fox 12 - 10 Harfang Game l  Game play
Spawn 10 - 11 Harfang 7th Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor75271.4 %9113.07510.716
Total75271.4 %9113.07510.716
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
CUC 2022Senior Mixed775271.4%9113.07510.716

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Mola Mola3334316

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Mola Mola3333315