Origine Open (Junior Open)


CUC 2022 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Alexandre Goulet0000
0Charles-Edward Leclerc0000
0Eliot Mercier0000
0Frédéric Jacquelin0000
0Hugo Boily7000
0Hugo Lanteigne0000
0Jérôme Gervais0000
0Loan Rioux0000
0Louis-Philip Mercier0000
0Thomas Richard-Maher0000
5Nathanaël Le Marois7729
6Étienne Curodeau7011
13Félix-Olivier Dufour76511
14Matéo Papadimitriou7426
17Thierry Larochelle7044
19Hugo Pelletier7213
27Isaac Breton7336
29Pierre-Olivier Roberge7112
32Félix Gauthier7347
45Oli Papadimitriou7123
95Gabriel Potvin7213

CUC 2022:

Division: Junior Open

STUD 5 - 15 Origine Open  Game play
Eclipse Open 15 - 9 Origine Open  Game play
Origine Open 10 - 12 TORO Open  Game play
Origine Open 11 - 6 Helios Open XO3  Game play
Ignite 10 - 13 Origine Open Game 2  Game play
Eclipse Open 15 - 4 Origine Open Game 11  Game play
Origine Open 12 - 5 TORO Open 3rd Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor74357.1 %7410.6689.76
Total74357.1 %7410.6689.76
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
CUC 2022Junior Open374357.1%7410.6689.76

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Eclipse Open2222311
TORO Open211228
Helios Open2233313
Eclipse Open2223312
TORO Open222129

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Eclipse Open212229
TORO Open211228
Helios Open2222210
Eclipse Open212229
TORO Open212128