Titane Open (Junior Open)


CUC 2022 roster:

# Name Games Assists Goals Total
0Julien Rasselet0000
0Philippe Drouin7415
1Rafael Herazo71910
2Christophe Veronneau7044
5Yushun Sui7213
6Eliott Durand7055
9Félix Lanciault7448
10Louis Beck-Haviernick720222
11Rohan Badeau7134
14Louis Giguère7145
15Vlad Zimmerl7000
17Nikolas Gauthier7909
19Maxim Bérard711213
21Olivier Robin751520
22Arthur Rabasa72810
24Romain Hobeila76511
25Leonard Gingras7000
33Thomas Robin7112
44Mathieu Houle7011
57Marek Cauchy-Vaillancourt7000
68Maxime Jérôme7178
81Jean-Christophe Benoit7617

CUC 2022:

Division: Junior Open

Titane Open 15 - 0 Scorch  Game play
Titane Open 15 - 1 Wheaties Open  Game play
Helios Open 7 - 12 Titane Open  Game play
STUD 6 - 14 Titane Open XO6  Game play
Eclipse Open 13 - 12 Titane Open Game 1
Titane Open 10 - 15 Ignite Game 13  Game play
Titane Open 15 - 8 Mischief Open 7th Place  Game play


Event type Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
outdoor75271.4 %9313.3507.143
Total75271.4 %9313.3507.143
Event Division Pos. Games Wins Losses Win-% Goals for GF/game Goals against GA/game Goal diff
CUC 2022Junior Open775271.4%9313.3507.143

Spirit points received:

Given by Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Wheaties Open1232210
Helios Open2233313
Eclipse Open2233313
Mischief Open3334316

Spirit points given to the other teams:

Given for Rules Fouls Fair. Attit. Comm. Total
Wheaties Open2232211
Helios Open3221210
Eclipse Open2223211
Mischief Open2334315